Sunday, December 1, 2013

The North wind is blowing and there is a change coming in the air.

The North wind is blowing and there is a change in the air.
We long for our mountains, it is like they are calling out to us to come home.

In October we went up to Groveland to help our friends at Yosemite Pines with their awesome Halloween Party. All the way up, we had that feeling of going home, even Shadow seemed to really understand where we were going and was getting happy.
 While there everyone kept telling us that we should come back. In our hearts we felt it too.. So.. Here it is.. We are going back HOME to our park family at....

Babs and I

Let me tell you Oct to Dec 3rd seemed like it was so far away.. but here it is.. we are just days away from move day. 
We were unexpectedly laid off in Sept.. Then we encountered some major issues with un-Employment. I also had some union issues which I needed to get taken care of before leaving this area. Now all seems to be in order.. and our future seems bright again.  Everything seems to have a time and a place.  Let me tell you a few months without an income if a bit tuff not to mention scary!
 While here we have met some of the nicest people you could ever meet and hopefully we have made a few long lasting friendships as well...  Thank you to all of you who have deeply touched our hearts and renewed our faith in mankind, people do still care.
  Well that is it for now.. I will be posting more later....
 Happy Trails. Get out there, and live your dream.  Explore, and take that leap of faith..
Life is short and there are no do overs.

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