At Eagle Lake we had several pot luck dinners and they would always be held at Bill and El's over in the Merrill campground.. My did they sure know how to throw a party.
We were so blessed to have met so many wonderful people while working there.
Cooking out is always better via the campfire. Here i am making what i had learned way back in girl scouts. and .... Yes i can remember that far back..
It is called Hobo Stew.
Hamburger, bacon, potato's, onion, carrots and seasoning. Wrap all that in aluminum foil.. cover it several times. then toss it into the fire.. |
We had several friends and family who came up to visit us.. Even some of the guys from NAS Fallon came up. Robert really enjoyed seeing them again.
Ron and Janet.
We worked together at Yosemite Pines. |
The Juhasz family.
The boys were wonderful they even helped me with my programs. |
Judie, Terry and their Grand Daughter.
Judie and I worked together in Fallon NV. |
| |
We purchased a Blongo ball game..
What a blast it is.. Fun was had by all. | | | |
Yes this is a toilet from the out house by the amphitheater.
My nephew and his family had came up camping and I was just about to give one of the Arts and Crafts classes when it is brought to our attention that the porta potty is no longer in its proper space..
LOL ok gotta love the creative and brave soul to have done this.
Can you say PHEW! |
This is a Golden Mantle. .yes it looks like a chipmunk but.. notice it does not have the mask and that the stripes do not go all the way over its head but stop at its shoulders.. Also you can't tell by this picture but i loved to tell the campers.. They look like a chipmunk on steroids. They are considerably bigger.. There were both at the lake as well as a few other breeds. |
This brave and crazy squirrel is not on snow.. but it had been sprinkling so i folded up my table cloth to cover my handouts, with the cotton side was up.. well he / or she decided it was great fun tearing it up.. |
This picture was taken while i was assisting w/ the Jr Ranger program. |
Our Boss Scott and his daughter Rachel. Scott was a great guy to work for. |
The highest point while at the lake was when my nephew and his family came to visit. I had not seen them in years.. This meant the world to me.. |
Up at Eagle Lake the season is May - Oct as a rule, However we ended up having to leave early and rather suddenly as the Forest Service was having a lumber sale and falling several trees in both of my campgrounds.
(as well as a couple of the others. )
Very little notice was given prior to this.. Remember we hire a mover.. to get us from place to place so we can't just hook up to the jeep wrangler and go.
This was right across from the Host site. This tree eating monster does a good job and i really was not to nervous about it. However when another man knocked on my door and said we would have to get out of our RV as he was not sure whether the tree he was going to manually fall would hit the RV or not.. Well............. Guess who put her foot down!
And told him he would NOT be falling that tree until after 9 a.m. the following day when we were to be out of there. |
It is sad that this was the last memories of the campgrounds that meant so much to me. I just hope that over the winter season it was able to heal and as the Summer Season approaches i hope that my campers will not be disappointed in what they find when they arrive.
If you are ever in Lassen area, I hope that you will take the time to stay at one of the campgrounds at the lake, walk the trails and do a little fishing..
OH MY...
That is one area i nearly forgot to tell you about.. The rainbow trout up at Eagle lake are the BEST.. very mild, pink in color and put up a nice fight..
People come from all over just to catch them. Many have been coming back for 20, 30, 40 or more years to the lake just for the fishing.
Don't take my word for it.. look it up. :)
Here is the web address for the campgrounds up at Eagle lake and information about the marina..
Oh, and if you do go up and you happen to see Orval out there fishing or looking for our Yellow Jeep Wrangler at the Eagle campground, tell him he still can't have it..
I am sure gonna miss that ol guy, he reminded me so much of my Grandfather.. Truthfully.. there will be many of my campers that i am going to miss, as well as a tiny Chihuahua dog named Chico.
Oh and I am sure that many of you wonder why we are not going back to a place that I loved so much..
Well we really need to work year round, and have a steady income since we are not retired.....
or to have had 2 paying jobs. One for summer at the lake and one for winter.
But sadly that didn't happen as we had hoped it would.
The early and sudden rush move out of there and expenses which we had accrued from that as well as a hard winter didn't help.
Last but definitely not the least reason:
Was that there was very little work which was available for Robert to do
and well lets face it, one of us could not be happy it had to be both of us
or things would just not work out.
Family must come 1st!
Eagle Lake and the campgrounds will be forever in my Heart <3